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Yes! Destiny can be changed

Yes ! Bring Divine Abundance Together


It is the biggest mistake which ordinary human beings always commit -- the thought of assuming a fixed destiny in this life.


Destiny (called as 'Bhagya' in Bengali and Hindi in India) is not fixed because destiny is not any predetermined event. Destiny is the big enclosure of your life in which you are situated with some given conditions and constraints. These given conditions and constraints of Destiny are called as Fate (called as 'Bhavitabya'). You can change your Fate through your Free Will such as choosing not to suffer by visiting a doctor. Get the best astrological remedies for success. 


But to change your Destiny, you need to know how can you alter that original enclosure of conditions and constraints with which you were born with. This is your Karmic Confinement until you know how to change the perimeters or boundaries of that confinement. Only then you go beyond the limitations of your present life. This is when you aspire for anything and also achieve anything.


And then, even the sky is not the limit !


Your enclosure or DESTINY is the unique matrix code that is the part of the greater manifested equation of the entire Universe.

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Your destiny is your personal matrix of codes in the Universe. If you connect with your personal matrix then you get access to the original source code of your own destiny. This source code gives you the power to alter your Destiny of which you are an integral part.


Access to this source code of your Destiny is achieved through the spiritual energetic vibrations created by your own Cosmic Aura.


Although your birth horoscope (consisting of the 9 Planets, 12 Signs, 12 Houses, 27 Constellations, 249 Sub-Divisions and 360 Degrees of the natural Zodiac) is the coding language used this matrix, only a truly evolved 'sadhaka' astrology seer and Cosmic Healer like Dr. Andrew Dutta (a.k.a. Sri Indrajit) can access that program your matrix and change your pattern of life for you.

Forever. is your gateway to alter your life pattern.


Dr. Andrew Dutta uses his 223 year old astrological family traditions of spiritual cosmic energetic healing to change your Destiny in all areas of your life, be it your job or profession, love life, married life, your business or employment hardships, making money and earning well, wealth creation, your pets, your car, your factory, your employees, your boss or any other matters of life in which you are interested to change the "original plan" of the Universe about you.


Dr. Andrew Dutta accesses your original matrix plan of the Universe and negotiates your desired change through alteration of the source code of your own destiny matrix.


These are purely divine methods where Dr. Andrew Dutta uses divine grace and healing energy to alter your destiny matrix. It is completely safe with no side effects and is practised by Dr. Dutta's family for the last 223 years.

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You need to first decide which area of life you want to change, in which way you want to change and what exactly you want from that area of life to be changed by Dr. Andrew Dutta. Its as simple as that.


Are you wanting a partner in your life to marry? Is your job promotion withheld? Is your business income not increasing? Your spouse or partner is not loving you anymore? You have a disease that is not getting correctly diagnosed or healed? Your children are disobedient and are not good in studies? You are always a victim of jealousy and hatred? You want to fall in love with your dream mate? You are suffering from a prolonged disease which is chronic and acute? Your doctor has given up hope on your disease? You are not able to be successful in your competitive examinations? Is your factory or business not doing well? Is your new car developing snags and creating problem for you regularly? Are you afraid of your Court case? You are worried about the court verdict going against you?


Or is your pet sick and ill and suffering from any painful disease? Is your pet very hostile or unfriendly? You want to change your pet's attitude? Your neighbours or office colleagues are unfriendly towards you? You are disliked by all around you?


The house you live in seems to have negative energies or negative entities? Are you feeling spiritually blocked? Is your farm or orchard or your garden not bearing fruits and flowers? Is your factory operating in suboptimal condition? Your business sales is not picking up? Your working capital is blocked in inventory? Does your workshop have too many accidents? Your car always creates some problem?

How can you change your Destiny


You just need to be very clear of what you want from the matrix of your Universe and Dr. Andrew Dutta (a.k.a. Sri Indrajit) will start the divine process of altering the cosmic energy patterns of your matrix by changing the original source codes of your Universe.


To enable him to do this, you need to provide him with any 2 of the following

Focus Materials:


1. A full body standing photo of yours [Only by email]

Click Here for Photo Specification



2.  A few cut nails from the thumbs of your hand. 

Click Here for Nail Specification



3. Two to three strands of freshly plucked hair from your head with hair roots intact.

Click Here for Hair Specification




You need to send any two of the above personal Focus Material by courier to Dr. Andrew Dutta and deposit the requisite fees.

Your Belief, Focus, Thoughts and Intention are very important


What exactly will Dr. Andrew do?

After receiving your Focus Materials, Dr. Andrew Dutta will start impacting the source code of your Destiny through the unique matrix of  the Universe from your given Focus Material. Everyday he will be altering the code structure of your Destiny so that the Universe will start re-aligning for you and you will start getting your desired objectives.


In the first 2 to 3 months all your negative energies, dark entities, past life negative karmic blockages and all detrimental forces and energies will be released, cleared and cleaned from your Physical level to the Karmic Aura Level. You would start feeling and realizing these changes in yourself and your surroundings, context and space will enliven up in these first few months of energy cleaning. There will be short questionnaires to fill up online by you to prepare your healing for the next level.


After this initial karmic cleaning period is over and after we test and find that your karmic aura is cleaned and healed, your personalized "wish statement" will be put to use to alter your Universe matrix to make you achieve your stated goal, wish or ambition. Generally it can take anywhere between 6 to 9 months after the initial period is over. For many clients, it even happens faster than expected when they follow exactly the steps we design for them. These steps come is very simple and easy to follow Lessons. Your belief and thought processes are very important in this second phase.


During this entire period, there will be complete hand holding, telephonic guidance and written Lessons given to you to speed up the wish fulfillment period for you. There would be synchronized meditation sessions that you would need to do 2 to 3 times a week for 5 to 10 minutes in your location. This will further boost up the healing energy sent by Dr. Andrew Dutta.


The human mind is completely equipped with the ability to pre-engineer and create a future reality through changing the cosmic source code to any desired energetic structure by the process of concentrated focus and cosmic alteration.


Changing of your Destiny will be done remotely from Dr. Dutta's location and the client can be present in any corner of the world.  For some clients the Divine Elixir, if needed, will be shipped within India only (or you can arrange for pick-up by someone else if you live abroad as no liquid is permitted by DHL or FEDEX) and this has to be taken as per the guidelines given by Dr. Dutta, if such elixir is at all needed. 


There are no religious or other restrictions to be followed. You are free to practice your faith and live your normal life during the entire period of destiny changing. You are completely free to continue your other medications and medical guidance. However, reliance on these will significantly come down over the healing period naturally and normally as you get healed.


Clients who are Drinkers and Smokers will not be accepted for service until they quit drinking and smoking or unless they want destiny changing service for smoking or drinking addiction itself. Smoking, drinking or doing drugs will prolong the destiny changing time required.


Read also the FAQ to know more

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Dr. Andrew Dutta WILL NOT take up your service if you are interested in doing any of the following destiny changing activities.


  1. Any kind of medical diagnosis, prescription, medication of any kind or nature.

  2. Any kind of legal advice and/or services.

  3. Getting any number, advice, suggestion or service related to any kind or form of lottery, gamble, betting, horse racing and stock trading. 

  4. Causing harm, distress, disease or turmoil to any person, living being or objects.

  5. Creating mental or physical separation between legally married partners.

  6. Creating mental or physical separation between lawful parents and their children.

  7. Creating mental or physical separation between pet and its owner(s).

  8. Any act of revenge or punishment on any other person, living being or objects.

  9. Any act leading to any loss of material properties of someone else.

  10. Any act leading to loss of mental peace and happiness of any other person or living being.

  11. Any other destiny changing activity which Dr. Andrew Dutta may feel as incorrect or unethical to do.


If  your requested destiny changing activity is denied by Dr. Andrew Dutta, then the service fee paid by you will be fully refunded within 7 days from the date of denial of service.


What Dr. Andrew Dutta will NOT do?



Its now more than 223 years that this service has been provided by our family very discreetly. Our clients were and still are primarily renowned celebrities, political leaders of many countries and states, famous scientists, doctors, senior bureaucrats, businessmen and women and their business empires and products/services, gold medalist sports persons, champions of various sports and games, singers, performers and down to common ordinary people. For us, we consider all of them equal when it comes to keeping their privacy and secrecy. So, we decided long time back that we would never put up anyone's photo or testimonials. Simply because this service has been through word of mouth and referrals and you are on this website reading this because someone may have referred you this site. And that referral may have been by one of the beneficiaries of our service.



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You can choose to change yourself from an ordinary pebble to a sparkling diamond

Bhagya Ratna Foundation

14LD Mani Tribhuvan, Nandan Kanan Road

Bhubaneswar 751024, INDIA



Phone: +91 917 890 7558 (Mon - Fri 7 pm to 10 pm only)


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